Sóc de València. Treballe com a arquitecta, dissenyadora, amfitriona de Airbnb, jardineria i dona de la casa. Estime les coses boniques: el disseny, les cases, les ciutats, però també la natura, les platges i els llocs amagats. M'encanta ballar, cantar, menjar, viatjar, somiar i ajudar als altres. La meua família i amics, el cinema i la música, les arts marcials i conèixer gent nova. Feliç d'estar ací, cantant amb tots vosaltres.
Soy de Valencia. Trabajo como arquitecta, diseñadora, anfitriona de Airbnb, jardinera y mujer de la casa. Amo las cosas hermosas: el diseño, las casas, las ciudades, pero también la naturaleza, las playas y los lugares escondidos. Me encanta bailar, cantar, comer, viajar, soñar y ayudar a los demás. Mi familia y amigos, el cine y la música, las artes marciales y conocer gente nueva. Feliz de estar aquí, cantando con todos ustedes.
Sóc originària d'Hongria. Des de la meva infància, vaig ser membre o líder d'un cor o cantava amb altres persones. Quan em vaig mudar a València amb la meva família, la primera cosa que vaig fer va ser buscar la meva tribu de cor. :)
Pel que fa a la meva feina, actualment sóc fotògrafa i també sóc directora de desenvolupament de música antiga per a nens i les seves famílies.
Disfrute molt del meu temps en el nostre cor actual amb totes aquestes persones realment amables amb interessos similars.
Soy originaria de Hungría. Desde mi infancia, fui miembro o líder de un coro o cantaba con otras personas. Cuando me mudé a Valencia con mi familia, lo primero que hice fue buscar mi tribu de coro. :)
En cuanto a mi trabajo, actualmente soy fotógrafa y también soy directora de desarrollo de música antigua para niños y sus familias.
Disfruto mucho de mi tiempo en nuestro coro actual con todas estas personas realmente amables con intereses similares.
He tingut la sort de viure i gaudir de diversos països, i ara crido València el meu lloc de residència. M'estima la natura, i ací gaudeixo de la platja a l'estiu i de les muntanyes durant la resta de l'any. M'agrada cantar, i amb alegria vaig descobrir el cor quan es va formar fa uns anys. Des d'aleshores, em sent com a part d'aquesta gran comunitat, que no sols està composta per persones meravelloses amb una forta consciència social, sinó també per individus alegres i divertits.
He tenido la fortuna de vivir y disfrutar de varios países, y ahora llamo a Valencia mi hogar. Amo la naturaleza, y aquí disfruto de la playa en verano y de las montañas durante el resto del año. Me encanta cantar, y con alegría descubrí el coro cuando se formó hace unos años. Desde entonces, me he sentido parte de esta maravillosa comunidad, que no solo está compuesta por personas maravillosas con una fuerte conciencia social, sino también por individuos alegres y divertidos.
I've been fortunate to live in and enjoy several countries, and now I call Valencia my home. I love nature, and here I enjoy the beach in the summer and the mountains during the rest of the year. I love to sing, and I happily learned about the choir when it was formed a couple of years ago. Since then, I've felt like a part of this great community, which is not only made up of wonderful people with a strong social conscience but also of cheerful and fun individuals.
I am originally from Hungary. Since my childhood I was a member or a leader of a choir or I was singing with other people together. When I moved to Valencia with my family, my very first thing was to find my choir tribe. :)
As for my job I am a photographer as well as a conductor of early music development for children and their families.
I really enjoy my time in our choir with all these really kind people with similar interests.
I am from Valencia. I work as an architect, designer, airbnb host, gardener and handy woman. I love beautiful things: design, houses, cities, but also nature, beaches and hidden places. I love dancing, singing, eating, travelling, dreaming and helping others. My family and friends, cinema and music, martial arts and meeting new people. Happy to be here, singing with all of you.
My name is Maria Jesus Ferrer, but I've been affectionately called Machus since I was a child.
I was born and raised in Valencia, although my parents are from Zaragoza. I am the third of a large family with 6 girls and only one boy. We have an artistic gene that runs in the family because my grandparents played the piano and the violin.
I am passionate about music and art, but I studied Law because my parents were lawyers, although I never practiced as a lawyer. At the same time, I pursued a degree in classical ballet, although I prefer modern dance styles like jazz.
Now that my two children are older and in university, I have a keen interest in History and Art in general, and in learning languages like English, for which I already have a foundation, as well as others like French or Italian. That's why I love this international choir.
Currently, I dedicate myself to my family and children and have hobbies that I'm passionate about, such as playing the piano, singing in the choir, dancing, and traveling.
My name is Elena, and I'm from Granada, Spain. I have a degree in Fine Arts and a degree in Product Design. Currently, I work at a ceramics school, and I absolutely love my job! I am passionate about art in all its forms. When I was a child, I used to sing in a children's choir. I enjoy singing, sharing, and enriching myself with people from other cultures.
Born in Valencia, I studied design and interior decoration at the School of Arts and Crafts in Valencia, a profession to which I devoted a significant part of my life. Currently, and for the past eight years, I have been involved in humanitarian work at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, a role I combine with real estate management.
As a nature and animal lover, I am the proud mother of three children. Music is vital to me and it represents my way of expressing everything I am and feel. Singing in the choir is a highly rewarding experience of which I am very proud to be a part. I enjoy challenges and am quite perfectionistic. I sing as a soprano, and even though I have been in the choir for a short time, I already feel completely integrated. I look forward to continuing to learn as a team and enjoying our achievements together.
I’m from Poland, but I have lived in Spain for over 9 years. I have never sung in any organised way or had any musical background, but always felt I would enjoy it – and I was right! I love the community of singers and being challenged to try new things and develop skills I never thought I had. Ever since moving to Spain I’ve been getting in touch with my artistic side – drawing, painting and now music.